Monday, 23 August 2021

Native bird scavenger hunt .

Good afternoon Bloggers, Today I had to pick a bird from a native scavenger hunt and answer questions about the bird .I chose the kingfisher.

 I had to read a fact sheet about kingfishers and answer questions by writing them in my quality blog post I enjoyed looking at the different birds and choosing one that I liked and finding information about it. I found it challenging to search for how many eggs they lay.

Q What is the Maori name for a Kingfisher? 
A Kotare

 Q Where could I find other species of Kingfisher? 
A in NZ, Australia, New Caledonia, Norfolk and Kermadec Islands.

 Q What months of the year do kingfishers breed? 
A In early September and February. 

 Q Where do they nest? 
A In a wide range of tree sites, cliffs, banks and cuttings. 

Q How many eggs do they lay? 
A four to six white eggs.

Q What do they eat?
A Fish,Crabs,Lizards,Mice,Small Birds,Earthworms.

1 comment:

  1. Morena Zara,

    Great work at find ALL the answers to those questions. That must have taken you some time. I didn't know that the te Reo name is kotare. Did you know when I was little I had a pet kingfisher that I raised. They were one of my favourite birds for a while. Why did you chose the Kingfisher?

    Ma te wa,
    Miss Hickling


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